

* Contains 4% chlorhexidine digluconate. 含 4% 二葡萄糖酸氯己定。
* Alcohol, Colourants & fragrance free. 不含酒精 、不含人工色素和香料。

• For preoperative skin antisepsis and surgical procedures. It can also be used for disinfection of non-invasive medical devices. 用於外科手術前皮膚消毒。也可用於非侵入性醫療器材的消毒。
• Effects for up to 8 hours. 長達8小時的持久抗菌活性。
• Has a bactericidal (incl. MRSA) and yeasticidal (incl. C. albicans) activity, offers a persistent and cumulative effect against a broad range of bacteria and fungi. 具有殺菌(包括 MRSA)和殺菌(包括白色念珠菌)活性,對多種細菌和真菌具有持久和累積的效果。